The Westshore CIRS team will be hosting its 8th annual Chief’s meeting on Wednesday, October 14, 2015. The meeting will be from 0800hrs to 1200hrs at the Fairview Park Gemini Center, 21225 Lorain Rd. Fairview Park, Ohio 44126. Its purpose is to educate Police and Fire Chiefs in the area about Critical Incidents and their aftermath. This year with the help of the Ohio Tactical Officer’s Association we are pleased to welcome members of the Aurora, Colorado Police Department who will discuss the July 20, 2012 Century 16 Cinema Shootings.
Aurora Police Incident Commander Lt. Jad Lanigan and Aurora Police SWAT Commander Mike Dailey will give a detailed debrief on the Century16 active shooter incident. This briefing was compiled by the Aurora Police Department after the events of that night and the subsequent investigation.
We invite you and members of your command staff to attend. A continental breakfast will be provided by the team. Please contact me by phone or e-mail before October 10, 2015 to confirm that you will be attending and let me know if you are bringing anyone else from your agency.
My e-mail address is , My phone numbers are Work: 440-333-1237 and Cell: 440-454-2265.
We look forward to see you there.
Paul Shepard
21225 Lorain Rd Fairview Park Ohio 44126